New Browning Trail Cameras

Strike Force on a pallet

The Browning Strike Force Elite Trail Camera Review is getting pretty close to wrapping up.  This camera looks like a winner in 2016.

We aren't done with picture/video quality yet, but battery life improved tremendously, detection is a little faster and the dynamic video is awesome. I have no reservations about this camera right now.

If you are looking for a trail camera sale on the Strike Force, check out the 2015 Browning Strike Force.  We marked it down and will continue to for the rest of the year.  Still a very solid camera, just a model year old now and doesn't have the bells and whistles of the new camera.

Here are some recent Browning Strike Force Elite trail camera pictures:

deer looking at strike force elite

Turkeys strutting on BTC-5HDE

Strike Force Elite turkey photo

Trail camera newsTrail camera picturesTrail camera sales/clearanceTrail camera updates

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